Peace, Love & Faith vs. Fear, Worry & Challenges
Peace, love, and faith depends upon our confidence, positivity, and willingness to believe, and rely upon, a Power greater than ourselves. Fear, worry, and challenges breed negativity, self-pity, and hopelessness. Think about it: Confidence and negativity cannot exist in the same space. They are like oil and water; they do not mix.
We must remain positive, decide, and (intentionally) choose which side of the equation by which we will live our lives – the side of fear and worry, or the side of peace, love, and faith. Remember: Everything starts with a decision.
We can start by recognizing the blessing in accepting the difficulties of life, because our sense of struggle, accompanied by our persistent efforts not to struggle, is a clear sign of growth, progress, and willingness to fight and overcome – not failure. We need not fear failure, problems, or anything else, as fear only destroys hope and weakens our faith – faith that we desperately need to exercise full dependence upon God, who has ALL the power, and is ALWAYS working on our behalf, with unconditional love.
In Jesus Calling, Sarah Young’s daily devotional, we are reminded that God loves us for who we are, not for what we do, accomplish, acquire, or possess. He wants our happiness, joy, and holistic abundance, as an earthly father desires for his child. Once we realize that without God’s help, guidance, and direction, we are truly alone, thus making the challenges of life far too great to bear. In, and of ourselves, we cannot successfully withstand the challenges of life, without mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual consequences; but, with God, we can do all things!
Keep your head up. Stay positive. Keep the faith, and most importantly pray. God will see you through and, in His time, allow you to understand the blessing in the struggle – the struggle that ultimately makes you stronger, more resilient, and ultimately increases your faith – faith that will make the next challenge that much easier to bear.
“What I know for sure is that if I could just build this table, God will prepare it for me in the presence of my enemies.” – Tyler Perry
“Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.” – Nelson Mandela
“But when I found that I knew not only that there was God but that I was a child of God, when I understood that, when I comprehended that, more than that, when I internalized that, ingested that, I became courageous.” – Maya Angelou

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